The Path of the Rose

  • The Grimoire of Armadel

    The Path of the Rose is a transcendental experience based on the Greater Seals of seven Archangels as contacted in the Grimoire of Armadel. This manuscript, translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, was located in the Library of the Arsenal in Paris, and was circulated amongst the members of his own magical Order the Alpha et Omega, following the break up of the Golden Dawn.

  • Pathworking Techniques

    Francis King, in the introduction to the RKP edition of this work, notes that the seals were used as doorways or portals for scrying, not just for conjuration. First working with the book in 2002, Sefriel Salem has investigated and developed this landscape since 2012, running successful courses in Glastonbury, London, Dublin, and Bath to lead participants through the Path of the Rose to meet Archangels and change their lives.

  • Available to You

    For the first time, this course is now available online as a combined workbook and audio files, which will guide you through each seal in turn. You do not have to ascribe to a Judeo-Christian belief system to undertake this course, but an openness to the framing of the Armadel as a Rosicrucian text will assist your integration with the environment.

A Miraculous Opportunity

Enter your details to take your first steps on the Path of the Rose by creating your Astral Temple, and then see where your Angels will guide you in seven further guided meditations.

Full course available from Spring 2024.